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Why Choose Edmonton LSAT?

  1. LSAT Specialist

    I have taught LSAT for twelve years, mastered it, and teach it exclusively. This sets me apart from other tutors who teach a wide range of standardized tests, many of whom have never even taken the LSAT.

  2. Practicing Lawyer

    I wrote the LSAT, applied to law schools, and became a lawyer, just like you will — learn from someone who has navigated the whole process from start to finish.

  3. Experienced Teacher

    I have taught in many different settings with students from ages 6 to 60. This diversity of experience has enabled me to adapt my teaching techniques to individual learning styles so that I can help you learn in the way that makes the most sense to you.

Meet Your Teacher: Nicholas Pope

Nicholas Pope

I scored in the 98th percentile on the LSAT, graduated from the University of Calgary Faculty of Law, and was called to the Ontario Bar. Over the past twelve years, I have helped hundreds of students get the scores they want.

Unlike many other tutors, I teach exclusively LSAT.


171 - 98th percentile (view)


JD, University of Calgary
BA, Columbia Bible College

Teaching Experience

LSAT Tutor, Edmonton LSAT
LSAT Course Instructor, Oxford Seminars
Guest Lecturer, Carleton University
Leadership Program Instructor, Eagle Bay Camp
Ancient Greek Tutor, Columbia Bible College
Teacher's Assistant, Greek I & II, Columbia Bible College
Teacher's Assistant, Biblical Hermeneutics, Columbia Bible College
Teacher's Assistant, Intro to Theology, Columbia Bible College
Children's Camp Leader, Eagle Bay Camp

Law Practice

In addition to working with aspiring law students, I practice as a human rights lawyer at Hameed Law. I have also advocated on behalf of prisoners of conscience, refugees, and victims of discrimination while working for a variety of NGOs, including Freedom Now in Washington, DC, the Civic Coalition for Palestinian Rights in Jerusalem, and Mennonite Central Committee Canada.

Learn about my approach or book a session now